Looking Good! With New Boat Upholstery

Make your boat look like new with custom upholstery

Once we have your engine purring like a kitten, what’s next? Whether you are looking to make your boat sea-worthy or sell-worthy, new upholstery can make all the difference.  Today, we are featuring Mary Viera at MV Upholstery Concierge Interior Decorating LLC. Mary has been in the marine upholstery business for 30 years. She spent a…

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Golfing for a Cause

Coastal Marine Engine Tech was honored to support the Ty’s Day Golf Tournament supporting the Maddie Farr Foundation which helps children with special needs and their families. One of the things they do is arrange for swimming lessons for these precious kids. This touched us on so many levels through our own experiences, losses, challenges…

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Reapply Sunscreen As Directed

We heard the vast majority of you say “are there directions for sunscreen?” Yes. Yes, there are. Please read them and comply or memories of your beautiful day on the water will be replaced by whining about getting a sunburn. Here are the basics: Apply it before you go boating. It needs to dry. Plus,…

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About Coastal MET’s CEO

Kim Chomiak owns and operates Coastal Marine Engine Tech. We call the company Coastal MET for short because saying Coastal Marine Engine Tech over and over is a lot. How does someone like Kim end up with a business like Coastal MET? For Kim, it’s the beginning of a bigger dream. She grew up in…

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Boat Industry Collaboration

Coastal Marine Engine Tech wants to improve the boater experience and contribute to alliances and collaboration in the boating industry. If you own a small business in the boating industry, let’s talk. We are looking for reputable, quality-driven colleagues for cross marketing, collaborative marketing, one-stop service arrangements. Our ideal collaborators would include boat services, boat…

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